March 16th meals :: Time Change?!?

Man, this time change has me dragging my a**. I GENERALLY drink decaf coffee. I love the smell, ritual, taste, everything about coffee, but I can’t handle the caffeine anymore. It interferes with my ability to be a sane and rational parent. Something had to give – either caffeine, or my kids – so I…

Meals for March 9 :: The Value of Routine

For those of you that know me, you will know that nothing terrifies me more than routine. The thought of waking up, getting the kids off to school, getting to the office, punching the clock, pick-ups, dinner then bedtime on repeat gives me anxiety. Which is why we have become somewhat nomadic (5 moves in…

March 2nd :: Starting Fresh

It’s been a minute. I know we all have lives and get busy, but I really dropped the ball for a while there. We were so busy adventuring across the continent, moving then adventuring some more I lost track of how much doing this lights my fire.  I know I am meant to nurture folks…

Meals for June 18 :: Over should-ing

It has been a few weeks since I have had the time (and energy) to sit down and plan my meals ahead of time. I have been picking meals Saturday night and haven’t had the time to develop recipes or do any ‘research’ (A.K.A. read cookbooks).  It dawned on me at a girls get-a-way last…

Meals for May 7 :: Power Plates review

I spent the day today immersed in a self-growth workshop designed by Eliza of Eliza Jane Wellness. I love doing personal development work, and today I got to spend time re-affirming what my values are. Health and nurturing are two of my most important values (along with adventure, connection, and family). The fact that my…

Meals for April 30 :: Summer preparations

So, how did everyone do with the 30 day challenge? I was really good (except for my camping trip last weekend). I definitely feel lighter physically and mentally going into May. What habits are you going to continue with? What have you been waiting to reintroduce into your routine? Keeping caffeine out of my diet…

Meals for April 16 :: Whole Bowls Review

So I’m officially over the rain. Not that I was ever really ‘under’ it, but I’ve officially stopped leaving my house. It’s just to much. All I want to do is curl up in my rocking chair by the fire and eat delicious bowls of food that will nourish me through my self-proclaimed-spring-hibernation without ‘storing…

Meals for April 9 :: Inspired by Michael

A lot of people ask me if my husband eats the food I cook, and the answer is *mostly* yes. He is gone long days, and usually packs lunch AND dinner. I need to make sure what I make for him is extra special so he isn’t tempted by fast food burgers (but it still…

Meals for April 2 :: Arbonne 30 day challenge week 1

People keep asking me if we are ‘settled’ in our new home. My response? ‘Well I’ve unpacked my Vitamix, food processor, mini food processor, immersion blender, kitchenaid, coffee maker (and  grinder), spice mill and waffle iron. I just can’t find any pants. Or my bed under the pile of boxes for that matter.’ But it’s…

Meals for March 26 :: Spring Cleaning

It finally feels like spring is in the air. Time for spring cleaning in my home, and in my body. I’ve been thinking about doing a 30 day healthy living challenge with my girl Kelly. Here is my question to you: have you ever done a detox? If so, what tools did you use? Accountability…